Piping at Forres – bridging the volunteer age gap

Oldest volunteer Charlie Gaskin (80) with youngest volunteer six-year-old Euan Ralph

Volunteers have been hailed as they key to the success of Piping At Forres, Moray’s biggest one day event.

And on Saturday six-year-old Euan Ralph met 80-year-old Charlie Gaskin – the pair being the youngest and oldest volunteers at the event.

Over 150 volunteers supported Piping At Forres 2018 and throughout it’s six year run over 400 volunteers have shown their support.

Charlie who was helping out for his fifth year in a row said: “I came to the first one as a spectator and thoroughly enjoyed it and decided that I would like to help out the following year. I think it’s important to get involved in your local community and it’s been a great way to meet lots of people.”

Euan volunteered through his school Alves Primary School whose pupils were given the task of carrying placards to announce the bands as they march into the arena at the end of the day for the prizegiving.

The youngster who is going into Primary 2 after the holidays visited the event with his mum Onagh Brady.

She said: “This is an amazing experience for him. He is hoping to learn how to play the bagpipes so it’s great that he’s been able to get involved.”